Home› Sustainable infrastructure dev. with high class materials Sustainable infrastructure dev. with high class materials Outokumpu slag products (registered and sold under name OKTO) are environmentally safe.Using OKTO products for road and infrastructure...
Home› Moving towards circular economy Moving towards circular economy Napapiirin Energia ja Vesi (NEVE) values sustainability and strives to move towards circular economy.Raw materials used in the...
Home› Napapiirin Energia ja Vesi Napapiirin Energia ja Vesi Napapiirin Energia ja Vesi (NEVE) specializes in distribution and transmission of electricity, district heating solutions, fresh water...
Home› Recycled Material & By-Products in Ferrochrome & Stainless Steel Production Recycled Material & By-Products in Ferrochrome & Stainless Steel Production Outokumpu Tornio plant is the only fully integrated stainless steel facility in the world.Tornio operations include steel melting shop, hot...
Home› Outokumpu - Tornio Outokumpu - Tornio Widest product portfolio in the market.Outokumpu Tornio plant is the most integrated stainless steel plant in the world. The chain starts in...